15 November 2006

Installing SDCC on Fedora Core 6

I have upgraded my Linux to the latest version Fedora Core 6. This version come with linux kernel 2.6.18 and gcc v4.1.1. I don't hesitate to install the SDCC to work on it. After I downloaded the latest of SDCC source, sdcc-src-xxx-xxx.tar.bz2, I installed it with this command:
$tar -xvfz sdcc-src-xxx-xxx.tar.bz2
$cd sdcc
$./configure --prefix=/usr
$make install
If it succeed, you should have these directories:
/usr/bin for execute files
/usr/share/sdcc/doc for documentation
/usr/share/sdcc/include for header files
/usr/share/sdcc/lib for libraries

I tested it with this simple code, I edited with gedit:

#include <8051.h>
void min() {
unsigned char var_1;
var_1 = 0xFF;

then saved it, let say test.c. To compile I use this command:
$sdcc test.c
and I found the test.ihx file in that directory which is the expected output.

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